Slowing Down.
The end of the year presents an opportunity, for many of us, to slow down… in order to reset for the next session of speeding up. Sometimes the degree of the slowing down is relative to the speed of the pace we were keeping, and in many of our cases, it was just too fast.
Whilst interval training has its merits – sprint and recovery in real life can be exhausting in the long term.
What about working on maintaining more of a consistent, steady and energy-giving pace? Going from one extreme to the other can be mentally draining. We’re all familiar with that feeling of crashing with exhaustion on the first few days of holiday, or completely over-indulging in excesses as a way to release pent up tensions and frustrations. Similarly, we can struggle to get into the swing of things when getting back into work or “real life”, after slowing down to a virtual standstill.
To soften the transition between the two, and have a life that feels more harmonious and even-paced, it’s the lifestyle choices that can make a difference.
Whether you are working or holidaying; make the time for:
· Daily movement/training (as a respite for your mind)
· Mostly healthy food choices (as good fuel for your body)
· Restful sleep (for energized days)
· Ways to unwind (read/cook/create/spend time on your hobby)
· Connecting with others (shared meals or activities)
· Meaningful thought (about work/area of growth/learning)
· Fun (things that make you smile and create enjoyment)
Our daily lives should be both pleasant and stimulating, and it’s up to us to design our days in a way that our holidays do not become an escape from a journey that is no longer enjoyable. It up to us to inject the enjoyment into our lives, in the form of healthy, sustainable (and fun!) habits that accumulate in results over time.
Consider how you can take steps to lessen the extreme contrast between your daily life and your holidays.
May you find beauty in the balance!