January: A Blueprint for Being.

It’s a cliché, but I feel as if the year ahead is a blank canvas, and there lies great opportunity in how I would like to fill it. Realistically, there will be many things that happen this year that are out of our control, that will be challenging and difficult. If we cannot control those circumstances – we can decide how we would like to handle them, and give ourselves a framework that will aid us in coping as and when hard things happen.

 Revisiting the values that are important to you and highlighting them for your year ahead becomes not only a validation of who you are and how you choose to move through the world, but also a “blueprint for being” that will act as your compass.

Consider the question: How would I like to live my life over the coming year?

Here’s a simple exercise that works well for many: This year I would like to live my life (value 1) and (value 2); with (value 3) and (value 4), and remember always to be (value 5).

 Two examples:

This year I would like to live my life calmly and creatively, with purpose and honesty, and remember always to be grateful.

This year I would like to live my life imaginatively and energetically, with discipline and care, and remember always to be kind.

 There are infinite word and value combinations – and yours will be unique to you and your circumstances. Take some time to identify your 5 key words and values for the year, and then write your sentence down somewhere where you will see it often. You can even write it in your diary once each day as a positive affirmation.

 You will draw strength from your power sentence as the year progresses – use it to celebrate the positive things and to help you cope with the negatives. And most importantly, use it to help you cover ground, in the direction that you choose.


February: Choosing Wellness.


Slowing Down.