May: Rally your Resources.
The word Resources can be defined as: A stock or supply of necessary assets that can be drawn on by a person (or an organization) in order to function effectively.
I like the idea of drawing on things for support, and in times of need, in order to cover ground. I’m not referring to scribbling on walls here – I mean turning to something that you have nurtured or worked on over time, and being able to use it to aid you in moving forward.
It could be as simple as drawing on energy reserves (stock piled over time with a combination of good sleep, healthy eating and functional movement) to help you meet a deadline at work or a family challenge. It could be as complex as drawing on your savings (that are there and ready because you have been conscientiously stockpiling them) to invest in a new (well-researched!) venture. Or it could be as rewarding as drawing on your strength to support and listen fully to a family member as they talk through solutions to an obstacle that they are facing.
Whichever it is, if your resources are low when you come to draw on them, you risk going into depletion, and that’s a lonely and difficult place to be.
This year so far I’ve covered four resources that I believe are necessary for optimal functioning: your values; your health and wellness; your planning and goals; and your creativity. There are more to come in the coming months: your family; your work; your social support, your spirituality; your community contribution; your growth; and your meaning/purpose.
I keep referring to “your” because they are unique to you and your life. Your specific combination of values, wellness regimen, planning, creativity, beliefs, interests, work habits, social support and spirituality results in a structure that either supports or hinders you.
All of these things combined, well cared for and managed as best we can, result in a life that is lived well, and with a sense of content.
Cherish your resources, and remember that in order for them to grow, they need consistent support and positive input. Be conscientious and diligent with your health, your savings, your work, your planning, even your relaxation. Aim to have a wealth of resources to draw from so that they are available, and valuable, when you need them.
If you are running a near deficit on a particular resource, put a plan in place to replenish it. It’s okay if it takes time – because once the plan and the action is there, time will take care of the rest.
Rally your resources, and rest well in the knowledge that they are growing in strength behind the scenes, for when you need them most.