April: Creativity Calls.

Many of us have the perception that creativity is for artists, writers and designers. We think that the title of artist must surely be reserved for those with a clear and recognized talent. But the judgement of “good” creativity is subjective, and it is the act of creation itself that holds so many benefits for us.

To create something is simply to make something that did not exist before, and there can be many satisfying results.

You can create a meal, a garden, a caring note, a sketch, a story, a piece of furniture, a table setting, a flower arrangement, a party, an ordered cupboard, a sport maneuver, a strategy, a solution, a game, a blanket, a conversation, a sculpture, a list, a travel plan, a workout. The point is less about what the end result is, and far more about the way you felt during the act of creation. The joy of creating something new can be deeply satisfying. Whilst you begin with an end goal in mind, you never quite know if the final result will match the initial idea. Your creation may be something completely different from what you planned or expected, and may be bolstering, and surprising. If the result pleases you, and often even if it doesn’t, you will find that you begin the process again, and keep repeating it; enjoying the variety of results that you create.

Time spent creating is never wasted – it’s an exploration of possibilities and capabilities, and a remarkable form of self-appreciation. It’s an opportunity to cover ground, and experience the enjoyment of growth. It does not need to be judged or validated by others – it needs to be simply begun, enjoyed, and ended… and hopefully begun again.

Create time in your days and in your life for acts of creation. They are outlets for expression, and mainstays for satisfaction. If you don’t know where to start, simply schedule the time and arrive; and then decide in the moment what you’d like to create.

You are uniquely Creative. In your own life, there is no-one better equipped than you to creatively solve your own problems, and to create newness that neutralizes negativity.

Begin… and enjoy!


May: Rally your Resources.


March: Design your Days.