July: The Wonders of Work.
Somewhere along the line, if we allow it to, our work can become a chore that erodes our energy rather than adds to it. Tasks become rote, we stick to our comfort zone, or get zapped with continual overload, and we feel, less and less, the satisfaction that initially brought us such a sense of accomplishment.
Having money is necessary to live, and work is a way to accumulate money. If you are very lucky, you don’t need the money any more, and are working just for the love of it, and to fill your days with contribution, growth and purpose.
A fresh way to think of our career is through the lens of it being something that we have chosen to be great at. Using the skills that we have to benefit a business and cover ground should be a highly rewarding process, especially if we get to add to those skills along the way, through experience.
The reality is that as we live longer (and hopefully stronger, through our lifestyle choices!) we will need income streams that last with us. But it’s not just about the money – it’s also about the stimulation and purpose that meaningful work provides. We can choose to become great at something, to continually improve, to seek new challenges, to learn from others, to collaborate, to grow.
Your career does not need to be your great life’s passion to work for you – but if you bring your best self and your best efforts to your workplace of choice, you will continue to move the needle on your opportunities and your earnings, and provide yourself with the resources to spend your leisure time in ways that bring you happiness. Shift the way that you think about your work, and watch how this breathes new life into your career.
Positive actions to apply to your work, depending on your current situation:
1. Focus on being the very best that you can be at what you have chosen to do. Take the quality of your work incredibly seriously, and consciously build on and add to your reputation.
2. Continuously work on a healthful lifestyle (sleep, healthy food, movement, relaxation) so that you are bringing the best version of yourself to work, as well as back home to your family.
3. Create your own unique work culture, and ways of work. Decide what your personal rules of engagement are, and stick to them. Be punctual, don’t accept unachievable deadlines, submit your contribution early and beautifully, don’t multi-task, or let unnecessary distractions affect the quality of your output.
4. Stretch yourself! What else can you learn that will improve your skill set? If you are unhappy with your career, what can you start to learn that will set you on a new career path? Be patient – it’s never too late to do something new.
5. If you are unhappy, stagnating or unemployed, actively seek other opportunities, and remain as open as you can to alternatives. Do something every day towards finding something new (a short course, send your CV to 5 companies, reach out to one connection, make a scary phone call, etc). Allocate your energy to serious action, rather than to actively disliking what you are currently doing.
6. Save! Always. Don’t wait for the bigger salary. Rather prune your expenses. Resources give you stability, and choice. There should be no place, ever, for wasteful expenditure.
Your work does not have to fit anyone’s definition but your own – there can be just as much satisfaction in running a Company as there is in running a home beautifully, or running a team as there is in running your family. You can create ordered, positive work spaces and work places, populated with contented people and growth. They all need clear thinking, healthful energy, some saving strategies, and problem prevention plans. And they all need your commitment to quality, and your very best efforts.
Care for your career, and over time it will continue to care for you.