August: Satisfy your Spirit.
Spirituality is a highly personal affair, and the word certainly means different things to different people.
It can be about religion, and faith in the God that you choose to believe in. It can be a sense of connectedness to the world and the people in it – a shared commonality that all of us can have, purely because we find ourselves on earth together. It can be about a deep connection to the earth and to the wonders of nature. It can be a belief that there is something far greater than ourselves, and that we are fortunate enough to form a part of it. Spirituality is something that we can draw strength from. It’s a sense that there is something supportive of life out there, and we can derive energy, calm and a sense of place from this.
It is possible to believe in something good and not be able to define it clearly, but to still draw comfort from it. Our beliefs are sacred, and most importantly, they are our own; and we have the freedom to choose to believe as we wish. Perhaps it’s less about the who or what that we choose to believe in and more about what we give and receive as a result. Spirituality is strongly connected to our values, and how we choose to live in the world – our ways of being. It’s reassuring that the great religions have commonality when it comes to the way they believe people should conduct themselves - with charity, justice, compassion and mutual respect.
Whatever you choose to believe, and however you choose to be in the world – spend some time thinking about it. Be mindful of not just running on autopilot, and not taking the time to appreciate the greater whole that we are fortunate to form a part of.
Some ideas:
· Read for inspiration and comfort – there are countless (religious and non) texts that have guidance for positive ways of being in the world.
· Gather and meet with others with the same beliefs, for support and enjoyment. At the same time, respect the beliefs of others – we all have good intentions at heart.
· Be in nature – walk, exhale, and appreciate the world we live in.
· Practice gratitude – there are many things we take for granted. Be grateful for the freedom to practice any form of spirituality you choose.
· Go still – sit quietly, contemplate, appreciate – there are many ways to reflect and be in the present moment.
The word 'spirit' comes from the Latin root 'spirare' meaning "to breathe”. Perhaps then, being spiritual simply means to slow down, to think, to reflect, connect, and to do and be good in the world.
Worth thinking about, a bit!