Slow down.

It seems that rushing has become part of our DNA. Being in a hurry or constantly on the move – it’s all become part of a busy-ness badge that we feel compelled to wear. Why the frenetic pace on the treadmill of Life, when its actually us that control the speed buttons? Why feel the need to endlessly get things done and tick things off, when many of the items on the list are there because others decided they needed to be? Do they ALL need to be done, and why in such a hurry?

Step off the treadmill; and breathe. Make a new list of what is really important. Consider carefully not only how you choose to spend your time, but also at what pace. Do less, and do it beautifully. Focus on one thing at a time, and complete it well, so that it doesn’t re-appear on your list.

There is a view from the treadmill, if you care to look. Slow it down regularly, and feel some sanity. Speed it up for performance, when necessary, and then back to YOUR perfect pace.

You get to choose… remember?


Speeding up.


The Privilege of Power.