On Rising, and Shining.

It can be immensely empowering to design a positive morning routine, and tailor-make it to suit your lifestyle. You may think that you are too busy or too rushed in the mornings to introduce a routine into your life, but the truth is, you already have one. The question is, is it a positive or negative series of actions; and is it serving you, and beginning your day in the right way? From the time you open your eyes each morning, you have a general routine that you follow. How soon after you wake up do you check your phone for messages and emails? Or hug a loved one? Or check social media? Or simply stretch, and feel grateful?

 If we aim to start each day consciously, and get a few small wins under our belt, this can help to set the tone for the rest of the day. The way that our day starts also has a lot to do with how the day ended the night before. Getting enough sleep so that you feel energised and rested, abstaining from excess alcohol so that you wake clear and focused, not eating too late so that your body does not feel tired and sluggish, not working too late so that your mind has had recovery and relaxation time – all these things play a role, and can form part of your design.

Ideas for some positive things to consider adding to your morning routine:

  • A mindfulness practice: Gratitude, Meditation, Deep Breathing, Calm Thoughts. Anything that works for you to focus your mind, and bring it into the present.

  • Exercise: Moving your body generates endorphins, and mood tends to follow action. It can be five minutes or fifty minutes, but moving feels good - not always before, er even during - but definitely afterwards.

  • Stretching: Either before you exercise, or a few minutes afterwards, or even for a few long seconds as you wake up, as a practice on its own.

  • Hydration: Water, a herbal tea, a smoothie or a delicious coffee. Whatever you decide, drink it mindfully, and if you can - try going device-free.

  • Writing: Gratitude can also be included here, as well as what you’d like your day to look like, and what your priorities are. It can be in a journal, in your diary, or a to-do list on a piece of paper that you keep with you for the day.

  • Nature: Sunrise, or some sunlight, or a walk outdoors.

  • Smiles, and Hugs: Self-explanatory!

  • Reading: Depending on how early you’ve woken up, and what reading you’ve selected to relax, learn, or broaden your mind. It can be a chapter, a paragraph, or an inspiring quote. Social media and news don’t count – they can come later, if you still really need them.

Remember not to follow anyone else’s routine - create your own, and tweak it as you see fit. Your personal morning ritual can be over an hour, or it can be just ten minutes. It can look different on different days of the week. The idea is that you have consciously made time at the start of each day to be present, and intentional, and with yourself. Your day will follow on after that, but you will have begun it well; for you - and that can make all the difference.

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash.


On Perseverance.