Making your Bed.

There is that saying that goes “You’ve made you bed. Now you must lie in it.”

 The logic of this goes along the lines of accepting the consequences of your actions. There’s a tone of finality in that saying that bothers me.

 Who says that once you have made your bed, you have to lie in it always? What if you lie in it for just a bit, and realize that it’s not quite the way you want it, and you choose to make it again? In fact, you get to make it again every day… and by degrees, you can make it just the way you want it.

The bed-making power sits with us, but one badly made bed is certainly not prescriptive of what all your future efforts will be. So make it, then take a look at it, and be happy with it from the outside. Then jump into it and try it out. If it doesn’t feel nice, then make it a little differently the next time.

Bed is actually a lovely place to be. So is Life. Especially if you get to make your own, every day, using what you’ve learnt from the days before.

What comfortable beds we will all lie in as we get older! As long as we keep remaking them, in a positive way.


Abrupt endings.


Setting up your Stage.