Going Deeper.

This year consider going for less… but growing more.

To focus (depth) on fewer things (less), in the interests of better results (growth).

In the past, I have been guilty of trying to tick lots of different boxes, without going deeper into what they actually hold, for me.

To be more thorough, I need to say more No’s and less Yes’s… unless the yes’s are related to the depth I’m looking for.

So what does this mean?

My Business:

More time on strategy, proactivity and relationship building.

Less time on unnecessary emails and admin, or long-winded processes.

Yes to quality work and no to “good enough”.

My Areas of Interest:

More time on books, podcasts and articles that interest and teach me.

Less time on skimming those same topics as fragments on social media.

Yes to learning and growth, and no to distraction.

My Relationships:

More (quality) time with people that are important to me.

Less time with unnecessary social obligations.

Yes to me, and no to (some) others.

My Thinking:

More time giving myself the space to think/consider/investigate/imagine.

Less time with fragmented thoughts that keep  returning, to beg for attention and consideration.

Yes to depth, and no to shallow skimming.

And then Yes… to beginning!




Embracing Silence.


A time for reflection.