Getting un(stuck).
It happens so easily; getting stuck in a rut. A holding pattern of the same habits and actions that keep us in the same place. Not completely ground to a halt, but moving far too slowly to be gaining any proper ground. Comfortable perhaps, but boring, and unsatisfying.
When we experience a shift in perspective and we see where we want to be (out of the rut!) and what we need to do (turn the wheel!) – it all seems quite obvious. But then back into the rut we go, deciding that the action required will happen soon… but not now.
Instead of procrastinating, try gripping the wheel (deciding!), and giving it just a slight turn. That way, even if you’re not moving fast, the slight direction change will start the process of escaping the rut. Identify one habit that you can introduce to each day that, when compounded over time – will help you cover ground towards your goal.
If you’re wanting to eat less meat; start with one of your daily meals being vegetarian, and then after a while move to two.
If you’re wanting to learn more about an area of interest, set a timer for just fifteen minutes at the same (quiet) time each day and use it to read up on your topic. You may find the fifteen minutes naturally increases to 30 and even 60, if you’ve chosen an area you are genuinely interested in.
If you’re wanting to be more active; start with 50 star jumps and 50 crunches before you shower each morning.
If you’re wanting to connect with friends or family more; make a day each week where you find a gap to call three people that you’d like to check on.
Identify a simple, do-able action, and then turn the wheel… and keep a firm grip.
Now all you need is to trust time to take care of the rest.