Navigating Change.

Sudden change can leave us reeling. It pulls us right out of our comfort zone, and can make the world around us feel frightening, and even hostile. Change is often the result of a build-up of small things, or a series of little events, that add up to one big decision that needs to be made. I have learnt in business that the more we keep our eyes open and look around us for for the signs, the less shocking the change is to absorb, and the easier it is to adapt.

There are benefits however, to sudden or extreme change. Change allows us a unique perspective on our lives, and this different view puts us in a position to make some exciting decisions, or to try something that we would not have considered before.

Extreme change is the culmination of something that existed before, and the birth or beginning of something new. Too many of us become staid in our careers and in our positions, and a big change shocks us. But we can protect ourselves. We can decide to create excitement and growth in the career that we do have, by approaching things differently, trying new angles, or making new contributions. We can decide to start learning in a new area (anything that interest you!) and use this to begin a new career direction that rewards us. We can take a leap of faith if we feel we have no other alternatives, but we can put the safety lines in place to lessen the impact of a fall.

We don’t always choose what happens to us or our businesses, but we curate how we cope, and each day we select our next steps.

Design your days. And let change be a catalyst for creating the life that you want.


A time for reflection.

