October: Find Grace in Giving.
Charles Dickens said: “No-one is useless in the world who lightens the burdens of another.”
The simple act of giving has a surprising ripple effect. Something as small as a smile and eye contact with someone, as you pass them, can lift them up just when they may need it. It’s easy to become inward-focused, and concerned only with happenings in our own world; but we are living alongside others who may be experiencing severe struggles. Our place is not necessarily to save them, but by simply seeing and acknowledging them we can help them to shift their perspective, even slightly. Sometimes, to be seen, is to be saved.
Being on earth, at this time, is a gift – we are not here to relentlessly take what we need and want. “Every man for himself” has quite a selfish ring to it. We are here to experience, to grow, and to contribute. To live… and to give. We are all essentially the same as human beings – but just exposed to vastly different circumstances. In the lotto of life, many are born into homes of privilege and love, support and resources. Let’s never forget to be grateful for that; and to have empathy and kindness for those who were born into a life of less. So many find the strength and grit to rise above hardship and challenge and into a place of personal power, but it takes a monumental effort, and incredible perseverance.
Sometimes, consciously shift your focus outwards, and be open to the difference you can make to others, to your community, to your country – by giving.
Give kindness.
Give positivity.
Give acknowledgement.
Give time.
Give compassion.
Give an audience.
Give; especially when you know someone needs it - a hug, a note, an arm squeeze, a message, a blessing.
Give to yourself too – respect and care (sleep, healthy food, exercise, relaxation) – so that you may have strength to give to others. Give yourself a break sometimes, and give yourself a kick in the pants when you need it too.
Give quietly, with no need to tell others. Give for the sake of giving, and know that the waves of good energy will spread in concentric circles around you.
Give… and have a strong sense that you, in your own small way, over a lifetime, can make a very big difference.