Just do your best.

The Pursuit of Perfection can be Paralyzing. Taking action takes energy, and if you put too many new rules in place at once, they can be overwhelming.

 It’s far more achievable to “do better” in your life in increments. Give yourself time to amass the benefits.

 To begin a day wanting the perfect control of your exercise, your eating, your relationships, your work, your bad habits, all at once, is exciting and challenging. But when it doesn’t all go like you want it too, the answer is not to slip off the wagon and go to the other extreme.

 Rather, just do your best.

 If you resolved to eat well but ran out of time to prepare something healthy, then give yourself a break and plan a healthy dinner. If you snapped at your partner, children or a colleague after resolving to be more patient, take it as progress that you recognized it straight away, and resolve to be more aware next time. If work veered out of control and you didn’t get to all the things you wanted to complete, try to do just some of the most demanding or important task – you will still find satisfaction in covering some ground where it counts.

 Don’t expect things to always pan our perfectly, and realize that you cannot control external factors. But you can keep your head, and you can choose to take the best action that you can, given the circumstances.

 Progress is not perfection, but it is forward motion.

 Self-sabotage and self-judgment is the enemy of action, and action (even if it is less than you planned), is still progress, or improvement.


